V1.5.12838 (Jan 5 2017)
1. New capture (FFMPEG)
2. Intel driver - application will not start if use IntelGPU only
3. 2nd capture file is not removed
4. Capture audio params: default codec in H264 changed to AAC (+default sessions)
5. Add partial support for inline editing with input methods, fix inline editing with input methods, inline editing with input methods
6. Reset transformations do switch to 3D mode
7. Key luma panel, keys notification during reset
8. In Japanese language, Media2 showing in English, instead of Japanese
9. Media sequence crash fix in case of failed opening of media with wrong codec
10. Capture activity message box
11. Installation location selection, Country or region selection
12. Nvidia card workaround for lousy dynamic shader linkage
13. Updated monitor correction for AMD GPUs (AMD Radeon RX 480)