
SE-700 Dual Chromakey Setup

SE-700 Dual Chromakey Setup

SE-700 Dual Chromakey Setup

Nov 03 2020 | SE-700

SE-700 Dual Chroma Key Setup

There is a way to turn the PIP Keyer into a 2nd full-screen chroma key. This guide is preliminary, we are happy to explain it further if you have any questions.

-2 cameras, 2 backgrounds as 4 inputs
-Set keyer to chroma, key source camera 1
-Set pip to 100% size, x=0 y=0
-Set pip keyer to chroma, key source camera 2
-On broadcast panel press “pip pgm”, “pip, pvw”, “keyer pvw” only
-On broadcast panel select the backgrounds as PGM and PVW using the row buttons
-If backgrounds do not match the cameras for perspective, change the pgm and pvw inputs again using only the row buttons
-To change cameras during production, press cut, take, or use the T-bar, the cameras and matching backgrounds will switch between program and preview
-That is the only way to transition, if you do hard cuts with row buttons or start pressing the pip and keyer keys, it will lead to issues 


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