CG-300 & CG-350

RS422 Serial Commands for CG-350

RS422 Serial Commands for CG-350

RS422 Serial Commands for CG-350

Nov 03 2020 | CG-300 & CG-350
All commands are UTF-8 strings commands by a CR and/or LF.
Note: These commands can be used for writing a Crestron control module.
There are 5 types of commands:
1. Substitution Variable Commands
2. Main Graphic Layer Commands
3. Animation Commands (Foreground and Background)
4. Banner Crawl Commands
5. Query Commands
Text Substitution Commands
Text Substitution commands are used to modify the Text Substitution variables that can be added to a Graphic Page. There are 3 types of these:
1. Text Variables - Replaces the text of the variable with the current value
2. Text Substitution Files - Replaces the text of the variable with the contents of a text file
3. Logo Variables - Replaces the logo with the contents of an image file.
--- Text Variables ---
Text variables are updated by sending the name of the variable, the equals sign, followed by the new value of the variable. See the following example:
The first time that the contents of a variable is set for the first time, the variable will appear in the "Variable List" of the "Text Variables" tab in the Graphic composer.
The Variable is not case sensitive, but the value is.
By default, when the value of a logo is changed, the Video Output of the program is changed to display the new value.
This behaviour can be disabled by the following command:
It can be re-enabled by the following command:
--- Text Substitution Files ---
A text variable can also be used to display the contents of the Text File.
This can be done by preceeding the variable with the command "TEXTFILE:" as shown here:
The filename specifies the path/filename of the file that contains the text that you want to display as the Text Variable.
If no file extension is specified .TXT will be appended to the filename.
If no Path information is specified, the program will look for the file in the folder/directory that Power CG is installed in.
If incomplete path information is specified, it will look for the file in the specified path relative to the folder/directory that Power CG is installed in.
The file text will only be displayed when the page is displayed ON AIR.
It will not be displayed in the Graphic composer, or the Picons. The Graphic Composer and Picons will display the value of the variable that was set with the VARIABLE=VALUE command.
--- Logo Variables ---
Not yet implemented. This is planned for a future release of the software but no release date is given.
When implemented it will have the form:
If the entire Path of the Filename is not specified, it will be considered a path that is relative to the "IMAGES" sub directory of the directory that Power CG is installed in.
----- Main Graphic Layer Commands -----
The Main Graphic Layer Commands are used to display Pages, Graphic Images, and Animations on the Main Graphic Layer of the program.
--- The Project Command ---
The Project command has the following format:
ProjectName Specifies which project to select the page from. If this entry is not specified, the entire path\filename of the page must be specified in the PREVIEW_PAGE or SHOW_PAGE entry.
An example of this command is
--- PREVIEW_PAGE and SHOW_PAGE commands --- These commands specify which Graphic Title Page to display.
The PREVIEW_PAGE command will Load the page and Preview it, without displaying it on Air. The SHOW_PAGE command will Load and preview the page (if it isn't already previewed) and display it.
These commands have the following format:
PathFileName specifies the page file.
If no extension is specified .PAG is assumed.
If PathFileName specifies a complete path, that path is used.
If PathFileName does not specify a complete path, the path is assumed to be relative to the pages in the project specified by the PROJECT command.
If no project has been specified, the path is assumed to be relative to the path that the program is installed in.
These commands specify that a Graphic image will be displayed.
The PREVIEW_GRAPHIC command will Load the Graphic Image and Preview it, without displaying it on Air. The SHOW_GRAPHIC command will Load and preview the Image (if it isn't already previewed) and display it.
These commands have the following format:
PathFileName must specify the file extension (JPG, TGA, BMP, etc.).
If PathFileName specifies a complete path, that path is used.
If PathFileName does not specify a complete path, the path is assumed to be relative to "IMAGES" sub directory of the program.
These commands specify which Animation will be displayed.
The PREVIEW_ANIMATION command will Load the Animation and Preview it, without displaying it on Air. The SHOW_ANIMATION command will Load and preview the Animation (if it isn't already previewed) and display it.
These commands have the following format:
PathFileName must specify the file extension (.VCLIP or .ANIM).
If PathFileName specifies a complete path, that path is used.
If PathFileName does not specify any Path information, the path of the "Default" Animation Category is used.
If PathFileName specifies an incomplete path,  the path is assumed to be relative to "Animations" directory of the program.
--- SHOW_PREVIEWED command ---
The SHOW_PREVIEWED command will display the Page, Graphic, or Animation that is currently previewed. This command can be repeated to display the previewed media multiple times.
This command has the following format:
No parameters are required by this command.
--- The FADE_IN and FADE_OUT commands
These commands start the Fade In or Fade Out of the Main Graphic Layer.
These commands have the following format:
Rate specifies how long the Fade will take to complete. The fade occur over the number of frames specified by "Rate". Legal values range from 1 to 9999.
For Example the command:
Will cause the image to Fade In over a span of 60 frames.
--- FADE_LEVEL command ---
The FADE_LEVEL command sets the current fade level of the Main Graphic layer. It has the following format:
Level specifies the keying Percentage. This can be any value between 0-100.
A value of 0% means the graphic is not displayed, while a value of 100% means the graphic is shown full intensity. For example the command:
Will display the graphic at 50% intensity.
Allowable Queries:
?TRANSITIONING returns "TRANSITIONING?1" if the Graphic is currently transitioning or "TRANSITIONING?0" if not.
?DISPLAYING returns "DISPLAYING?1" if the Displaying Previous Media or "DISPLAYING?0" if not.
?ERROR_COUNT returns "ERROR_COUNT?# ". # specifies the number of error messages that are pending.
?NEXT_ERROR returns "NEXT_ERROR?ErrorMessage". ErrorMessage is the text that describes the error that occurred. The Newline characters have been replaced with tabs.
?FADING returns "FADING?1" If the image is fading in or out or FADING?0"
if not.
?FADE_LEVEL returns "FADE_LEVEL?#". # specifies the current fade level percentage. valid range is 0-100
----- Animation Commands -----
All Animation Control Commands begin with either "FGS_" or "BGS_" depending on whether the Foreground or Background Animation is to be controlled.
"XXX_" in the following commands should be replaced by "FGS_" or "BGS_".
Animation Commands
XXX_DISPLAY:PathFileName (optional)
XXX_STOP:FadeOutRate (optional)
Animation Queries
----- Banner Crawl Commands -----
BC_DISPLAY:PathFileName (optional)
BC_STOP:FadeOutRate (optional)
Animation Queries
CG-300 & CG-350


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