Sep 30 2015

The Application of Films in IP and Cloud

With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) era, personal privacy, product data, and various service-related big data are invaluable for future data analysis. The current trend is to input data into cloud servers for storage, computation, matching, transmission, etc., laying the groundwork for future data usage. Many people believe that cloud storage and transmission are capabilities affordable only by large companies, and for small and medium-sized enterprises as well as individual studios looking to engage with IoT, cloud servers seem to be an unattainable enterprise-level service, especially when considering real-time audio-visual transmission, which appears to be a specialized service beyond imagination.
Datavideo Tips
Aug 21 2015

Custom Downstream Key Rotation Animation Illustrated Steps (Super Easy)

Simple Steps 1, 2, 3: Homemade Downstream Key Rotation Animation, Presented on TVS-1000 and TVS-1200
Datavideo Tips
Jun 22 2015

9 Tips for Live Streaming on Location

If you're live streaming an on-location event, it can be quite a challenging task, but Datavideo is here to help you get started quickly.
Datavideo Tips
Jun 10 2015

Product Application: New Chroma Key Technique for SE-700

Creative possibilities are limitless, and this time we bring you a new chroma key technique for Datavideo's SE-700. How do we play with it? Well, let's start with an introduction. The SE-700 from Datavideo comes equipped with a powerful chroma key function. How powerful is it? Let me analyze it for you one by one. (This article is provided by Shanghai Yangming Beijing Branch.)
Datavideo Tips
May 15 2015

OBV-2800-CCU Edition Application Chapter

In the previous two issues, we provided a detailed introduction to the OBV-2800 compact mobile broadcasting van. You are now familiar with the evolved OBV-2800 CCU edition, which boasts significant functional enhancements compared to its predecessor, nearly approaching the functionality of large-scale broadcasting vans. In this issue, we will share insights into the OBV-2800 broadcasting van with CCU functionality, exploring the unique changes in its applications and how it enhances the use of OBV-2800 in EFP multi-camera operations.
Datavideo Tips
Mar 24 2015

SE-1200MU Technical Sharing

At the 2015 InfoComm exhibition held in San Diego, USA, Y.M.C. Technology's US subsidiary showcased the capability of connecting a regular tablet and iPad to the SE-1200MU switcher, allowing for control through input commands. Please find below our insights: Once the computer and applications for Android and Apple are updated, you can seamlessly initiate our broadcasting workflow – it's extremely straightforward!  
Datavideo Tips
Feb 27 2015

K-12 MOOCs Curriculum Learning Platform and Teaching Application Seminar

MOOCs have gained attention not only in higher education but also in primary and secondary schools. The K-12 MOOCs Curriculum Promotion Office, established by the Ministry of Education, organized a seminar on the learning platform and teaching applications of K-12 MOOCs at Donghai University in Taichung at the end of January this year. During the seminar, teachers were invited to discuss and share their experiences with MOOCs. Yangming Technology was fortunate to participate in this seminar, demonstrating our commitment to supporting education in Taiwan. Our company volunteered to assist in recording the entire event. In addition, we showcased the application of the TVS-1000 in teaching to the attending teachers and guests. The integration of this new video technology with innovative teaching concepts not only broadened the horizons of the teachers and inspired new teaching possibilities but also received enthusiastic applause from the participants.
Datavideo Tips
Feb 02 2015

Datavideo's New Vision Mixers Deliver Live Titling

Launching at BVE 2015, new low-cost HD production switchers give producers the ability to deliver live graphics and titles straight from a laptop.
Product News
Jan 27 2015

Recommendations for Shooting Instructional Videos for MOOC Massive Open Online Courses

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are undoubtedly the most popular self-learning method today. However, for a MOOC course to be successful, one of the biggest challenges, apart from platform management and course content, is transforming a teacher's daily lectures into attractive instructional videos. Engaging instructional videos have the power to ignite and captivate students' learning enthusiasm and interest. Although video production is a routine task for professionals in the broadcasting industry, for schools, it poses a formidable obstacle. This is primarily because schools have practically relocated an entire television studio onto the campus, resulting in significant budget costs and challenges in program production. This is the current reality faced by many schools. In fact, the production of instructional videos for MOOCs is entirely different from television program production. Below, we present several common production methods with their pros and cons for your reference.
Datavideo Tips
Dec 23 2014

EFP Multi-Machine Operating System HRS-30 Recording System

In the earlier discussion of the HRS-30, its standout features were its extended recording time and large monitoring screen. These two features are specifically designed for EFP multi-machine operations. The equipment in the field for EFP is not as comprehensive as that in the studio, and backup devices are always available for immediate substitution. Therefore, it is not just a recording device; all EFP equipment must have the capability to be versatile and multifunctional, allowing the equipment to play the right roles and serve as the best operational tools.
Datavideo Tips
Nov 19 2014

Using Virtualset maker for program applications

Today, let's discuss the creation of virtual backgrounds and how to add unexpected effects to a meticulous program production. In previous sections, we briefly introduced how to use Virtualset maker to create virtual backgrounds and the sequential logic behind constructing the scenes we need. In today's section, we will provide a practical tutorial application to help you better understand how simple the application of Virtualset maker can be.
Datavideo Tips
Nov 19 2014

The Future of Visual Teaching - Starting with Flipped Classrooms and MOOCs (Part 2)

Continuing from the previous article, the most likely teaching models to transform global education in this century are "flipped classrooms" and "Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)." In both developed and developing countries, there are cases where schools or businesses combine MOOC platform courses for teaching or employee training. The flipped classroom teaching method is also gaining global popularity, widely adopted by teachers eager to improve education. The foundation for both is the production and application of instructional videos. Therefore, as practitioners in video production, how can we not be part of this global wave?
Datavideo Tips
Oct 21 2014

How to Correctly Use the Virtualset Maker Included with TVS-1000 to Create Virtual Backgrounds According to Your Needs

The creation of a virtual studio requires meticulous planning in program production, involving specialized integration of various elements such as lighting and scenes to achieve the desired effects. Today, let's briefly explain the creation of virtual backgrounds using the built-in Virtualset Maker of TVS-1000.
Datavideo Tips
Oct 21 2014

SE-1200MU PTC-150 Course Recording Application

In this issue, Datavideo focuses on course recording solutions. We have created product information and applications specifically for course recording. We present the solutions we have observed and developed, seeking feedback for collaborative research on the future development of schools.
Datavideo Tips
Sep 23 2014

Overview of Smart Tracking Course Recording System

The course recording system represents a significant shift in teaching methods, serving three crucial functions: Teachers can review recorded videos to correct their teaching actions and content. Absent students can access the teacher's instruction from the class. Students can use videos for reviewing course materials. While there are numerous vendors in the market planning course recording systems, each with its design philosophy, the ultimate goal is to achieve optimal results for both schools and students in this evolving teaching model.  
Datavideo Tips