Jan 31 2017

Datavideo Announces KMU-100 4KMulticamera Processor and RMC-185 Controller are Now Shipping

The KMU-100 is a unique easy-to-use 4K multicamera production solution that delivers multiple virtual full HD (up to 1080p) scaled shots with minimal installation cost. Two 4K cameras could be connected to the KMU-100 to provide up to eight 16x9 user-defined outputs. The RMC-185 controller allows you to easily pan and zoom anywhere on the 4K signal to select user defined windows.
Product News
Jan 03 2017

Datavideo Announces New HD Video Switcher and H.264 USB Recorder

Datavideo, the leading manufacturer of complete live video solutions, is proud to announce our SE-650 HD 4-Channel Digital Video Switcher and HDR-1 H.264 USB Recorder are ready to ship worldwide.
Product News
Dec 29 2016

Is It More Challenging to Operate PTZ Cameras than Traditional Camcorders?

Is it more challenging to operate PTZ cameras than traditional camcorders? To address this, Datavideo interviewed Eviana Vergara, a remote camera operator who flawlessly operated cameras at the 2016 NAMM music concert.
Datavideo Tips
Nov 29 2016

How to Install a PTZ Camera on a Truss

In camera installation, using rigging, supports, and truss equipment offers more possibilities. Lighting rigging equipment can be adjusted in size and shape, but the most common size is 2 inches in diameter. In this article, we will explain how to install a PTZ camera on a standard 2-inch truss. Below, you can choose to watch a video tutorial or continue reading the article.
Datavideo Tips
Nov 22 2016

A Prominently Placed Camera at the BRICS International Conference

The eighth annual BRICS summit held in Goa India is attended by the heads of the five member countries -- Chinese President Xi Jinping, Brazilian President Michel Temer, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and South African President Jacob Zuma. Datavideo India was honored to be chosen for the conference to record the event.  
Nov 21 2016

Datavideo Exhibits at the Annual SATIS Expo in Paris

A large wall rises in the Port de la Versailles Expo Center in Paris, France. Over the course of three days, Datavideo welcome visitor come to our booth.
Oct 27 2016

How to Purchase an Instant Replay System Within Budget

Instant replay is an indispensable element of high-quality sports broadcast programs. In recent times, various brands have been competing to introduce low-budget solutions, catering to smaller venues and schools for instant replay. This trend not only adds more entertainment value to small-scale productions but also enhances the overall professionalism of the videos.
Datavideo Tips
Sep 21 2016

What is HDBaseT, and How Will it Change the Future of Video?

HDBaseT technology is a new standard for video and data transmission that may soon replace HDMI. In most video productions, each shooting location requires setting up at least 2 to 3 cables, depending on whether you are using remote-controlled cameras or cameras that need to transmit Tally signals.
Technical Knowledge
Sep 01 2016

SET EXPO 2016 in Sao Paulo, Brazil

SET Expo 2016 was a success! Thank you to everyone who visited our booth at SET Expo. We look forward to another great year in Brazil.
Jun 01 2016

NAB 2016: Datavideo turns your 4K cam into multiple HD cameras

New KMU-100 delivers multiple HD scaled camera angles
Product News
Jun 01 2016

Turn One 4K Camera into Four HD Cameras for Live Video Production

Datavideo is proud to announce a new product that revolutionizes the way 4K cameras are used for live video productions.
Product News
Jun 01 2016

InfoComm 2016 Must See Products

At the 2016 InfoComm Show, Datavideo (Booth #N1533) will demonstrate video production equipment that can easily be integrated into various A/V applications including corporate meetings, worship seminars, conferences, live events, and panel discussions.
May 25 2016

Datavideo Announces a New PTZ Camera with HDBaseT Technology

Datavideo is proud to announce a new HD PTZ camera, PTC-150T, with HDBaseT technology. HDBaseT technology allows users to send power, control, uncompressed video, and tally all at once using only one Ethernet (Cat5e) cable.
Product News
Apr 29 2016

NAB 2016 Awards and New Products

Another successful NAB Show is behind us, as we depart Las Vegas with many awards for the new KMU-100. The exhibit floor also saw the debut of four new products -- the PTC-150T, SE-1200MU with RMC-260, the HS-1200, and the RMC-400. 
Product News
Apr 06 2016

Introduction of Streaming Terminology- What is UDP, TCP, Unicast, Multicast, RTP, RTSP, RTMP and more

Streaming protocols are notoriously complex and difficult to understand. This guide is designed to help you buy encoders and streaming services with confidence.
Technical Knowledge