
Simple and Easy

Datavideo's easy installation applications focus on providing simple, efficient solutions for video production, designed to minimize setup time and complexity. These systems integrate key features like HDBaseT, all-in-one devices, and remote control options, making them ideal for a wide range of environments including education, corporate, live events, and broadcast.
The applications make Datavideo's solutions user-friendly, adaptable, and suitable for professionals and beginners alike.

HDBaseT Transmission + Robotic Pan-Tilt Head Application

This is a solution to help users integrate his camcorder into the workflow. It is ideal for the house of worship, corporate conference.  This workflow is centered around the HS-1600T HDBaseT Mobile Cast studio, including a built-in monitor, streaming encoder, and recorder. Thus, you no longer need individual volunteers to operate the cameras, switcher, streaming encoder, and recorder. 

The workflow also features the robotic pan-tilt head designed to turn any camcorder or block cameras into a PTZ camera. If you already have a high-resolution camcorder or an ENG camera, then the PTR-10T MARK II robotic pan-tilt head can help you upgrade your camera to the remote control PTZ camera.

The PTR-10T MARKII provides connection using HDBaseT, making it great for usage with Mobile Cast Studios, like the Datavideo HS-1600T MARKII. The operator can control the robotic pan-tilt head via the HS-1600T MARK II without hiring an additional camera operator.


HDBaseT 技術

HDBaseT 易於安裝,從而縮短場佈和拆卸時間。 HDBaseT 技術還簡化了工作流程,因為您只需要一根網路線即可將影樣、控制、電源和 Tally 訊號從攝影機傳輸到導播機。




All In One 導播機

Mobile Cast Studio 是一款All In One 導播機,將影像切換、直播、影片錄製、螢幕和攝影機控制功能集成到一個手提箱中。




HS-1600T MARK II 是 HDBaseT 導播機/調音台,內建攝影機控制、實時直播和錄影功能,是真正的一體化影像製作解決方案。 觀看安迪·莫格 (Andy Mogg) 解釋為什麼這個手提式影像導播機完成這項工作的最佳幫手。


直播已成為許多學校接觸家長和學生的必要條件。 Datavideo HS-1600T MARK II 4通道HDBaseT手提式移動錄播導播室可以為加利福尼亞州的 Sycamore Magnet Academy 直播活動。 他們還使用 3 個 Datavideo PTC-140T HDBaseT PTZ 雲台攝像機來獲得多個角度的拍攝範圍。 HDBaseT 的一根網路線工作流程使設置和拆卸變得快速而輕鬆。

Datavideo HDBaseT傳輸+電動遙控雲台解決方案

Datavideo在奧蘭多的 Infocomm 2021 展會上,展示了採用HDBaseT技術現場製作與直播的解決方案。 HS-1600T MARK II 是一款功能強大的 HDBaseT 手提式移動導播室,可由單人操作攝影機控制、影像切換、直播和錄影功能,相容於 Datavideo HDBaseT雲台攝像機以及 PTR-10T HDBaseT電動遙控雲台。

